Tipo di memoria tamponeUnregistered (unbuffered)
ECC on-dieSì
Latenza CAS
Column Address Strobe (CAS) latency, or CL, is the delay time between the moment a memory controller tells the memory module to access a particular memory column on a RAM module, and the moment the data from the given array location is available on the module's output pins. In general, the lower the CAS latency, the better.
RAM installata
A computer's memory which is directly accessible to the CPU.
16 GB
Layout di memoria (moduli x dimensione)
How the overall memory of the product is put together, defined by the number of modules and the size.
1 x 16 GB
Tipo di RAM
The type of internal memory such as RAM, GDDR5.
Velocità memoria
The frequency at which the memory (e.g. RAM) runs.
5200 MHz
Componente per
What this product is used as a part of (component for).
Data Integrity Check (verifica integrità dati)
ECC è il codice di correzione dell'errore che la memoria è capace di individuare e correggere senza l'intervento dell' utente
Voltaggio della memoria
The voltage (V) of the memory in the device.
1.25 V
Intel® Extreme Memory Profile (XMP)Sì
Versione Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP)3.0
Tipo di raffreddamento
The method used to cool the device or to cool the air around the device.